Sunday, December 25, 2011


The mud slinging campaign against Anna Hazare is just not going to work because people have eyes and ears.They can see who leads what kind of life.Who is wealthy and who is simple and lives life in pure genuine simplicity.That is proof enough for the people to understand the games being played.They are trying every thing and by hook or crook wants to see a strong LOKPAL derailed.

That is the agenda.Just look at the wealth of the Congress leaders.They way they travel,the way they live and the assets declared and undeclared held by them.The luxury and indulging in corruption and amassing wealth at the cost of the poor people of India has gone too far for them to believe any politicians any more.But see the life of people like Anna Hazare ,he does not own Mercedes Benz nor does he travel in luxury. He lives is a small village among the poor farmers as one among them, he has no skeletons to hide.His life is an open book unlike the so called leaders who indulges in such luxurious life at the cost of the exchequer.Also owns Bungalows in big towns and luxury apartments and Cars and so on.People have eyes don't think they will keep their eyes shut and believe the mud slinging campaign.

Now coming to ideology.It does not matter what ideology he believes in as long as he is honest and wants to stop corruption at all levels ,if RSS ideology is same so be it.People will support or if the Communist ideology is the one he believes and is honest about it that too will be OK as far as the people are concerned, because they are sick and tired of the false promises ever since Independence while on the back side all of them irrespective of the party has been looting that includes BJP, Communists, but majority of Congress leaders are the worst because, they fooled people by showing themselves to be the ones as saviors of the nation and it has been a breach of trust and deserves the worst possible punishment a nation can give such ruthless ,cunning and most of all fully corrupt leaders from head to toe.

It is laughable to see them accusing the Mayavati Government of being corrupt, If it is true, then it was the Congress, who must have taught her how to be corrupt, because there are no better teachers to teach the subject of corruption than the Congress in our country.

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